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Gratitude for Lockdown


Wow, 2020 has certainly not been a boring year so far - with all plans been thrown out the window and being invited to stay calm and adapt. As we hopefully will soon ease out of lockdown level 2 (which I optimistically anticipate will happen in October), I am finally coming up for air and it's the perfect time to reflect on my lockdown experience. I am really grateful for so many things:

  1. I now have renewed appreciation for the importance of my health and overall well-being (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, energetic) for my life journey.

  2. With no-where to go and no plans to be made, I am now grounded in the Here & Now, living from one day to the next, and sometimes only focusing on one thing at a time. This feels very empowering (once I got over the shock of it!!).

  3. I have a healthy streak of stubbornness (I blame my Aquarius star sign). However, thanks to lockdown, I have learnt to be accepting of what is happening, which allows me to breathe, relax into the flow, adapt and be more creative with solutions.

  4. I have had an opportunity to prioritize and simplify my life - now being even more aligned with my goals, dreams and passions.

  5. I have had the opportunity to fine-tune my skills and put my 12 years of studies and experience into developing my distance healing sessions. I am so excited to see my online distance healing sessions grow both locally and internationally, with some amazing results!!! Next level...

Thanks to lockdown and its many gifts, I have decided to continue to focus on my exciting distance healing treatments and will only see those clients who need "hands on" sessions, such as Cranio Sacral Therapy or Posture Therapy, in person from October.


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